Let's Talk Romance Books with Cindi Madsen, plus Giveaways!

Join us on Aug. 3rd at 7:30 pm ET for an entertaining evening with the USA Today bestselling author of JUST ONE OF THE GROOMSMEN, Cindi Madsen!


Just One of the Groomsmen & Always a Bridesmaid. Paperback for continental U.S., ebooks international winners!

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by Cindi Madsen

Addison Murphy is the funny friend, the girl you grab a beer with—the girl voted most likely to start her own sweatshirt line. 

And now that one of her best guy friends is getting married, she’ll add “groomsman” to that list, too. 

She’ll get through this wedding if it’s the last thing she does. Just don’t ask her to dive for any bouquet.

When Tucker Crawford returns to his small hometown, he expects to see the same old people, feel comfort in the same old things. 

He certainly doesn’t expect to see the nice pair of bare legs sticking out from under the hood of a broken-down car. 

Certainly doesn’t expect to feel his heart beat faster when he realizes they belong to one of his best friends.

If he convinces Addie to give him a chance, they could be electric…or their break-up could split their tight-knit group in two.

Hiding the way he feels from the guys through bachelor parties, cake tastings, and rehearsals is one thing. 

But just as Tucker realizes that Addie truly could be the perfect woman for him—he was just too stupid to realize it—now she’s leaving to follow her own dreams. 

He’s going to need to do a lot of compromising if he’s going to convince her to take a shot at forever with him—on her terms this time.

About the Author

Cindi Madsen is a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance and young adult novels. 

She sits at her computer every chance she gets, plotting, revising, and falling in love with her characters. 

She loves music and dancing and wishes summer lasted all year long. 

She lives in Colorado (where summer is most definitely NOT all year long) with her husband and three children. 

She and her family also take their Marvel addiction very seriously, as their one-eyed cat, Agent Fury, and their kitty named Valkyrie can attest.

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